Safe and Inexpensive Bee Control Management

18/01/2012 13:42

Dealing with bees is a daunting task, particularly when bee stings result in allergic reactions. On the other hand, with effective bee control processes this would be manageable. Bees contribute a lot to our ecology, thus killing them should be the last resort. For that reason, driving the bees out of their hives, preventing the construction of a hive, changing the environment of a prevailing hive and forming a "bee zone" are the best preferences that can be performed before working on total and complete eradication.


Driving Bees Out


Decide on working with the bees during early morning or in the evening when they are less active. Wear protective clothing and gloves to avoid bee sting. The process can be made through vacuuming the bees or scraping the colony into a container, box or a bottle for transfer and relocation. You can also strategize on removing bees by burning wood or paper under the hive. Keep in mind, that when bees are driven out, the tangible cells of the hive should be all removed to prevent the bees from coming back. The honey may induce other pests hence, the residual honeycomb left behind when the bees leave should be taken away.


Preventing Construction of Hive


If the environment is inhospitable the bees have a tendency to avoid forming hives. By merely eliminating biological debris, flat boards and rocks around the vicinity will often be adequate to prevent the construction of hives. Similarly, applying a bit of lining to outer holes in your abode may well thwart nests. If these techniques aren’t successful, try to put a couple of mothballs in socks and swing them around the outside of the house. The bees will certainly get troubled by the scent.


Changing the Environment of Prevailing Hives


If bees have already formed their colonies in a place where they must not supposed to be existent and you plan on altering their environment you must undertake possible steps of forcing them out. Removing possible sources of their survival through detecting and eliminating the sources of food and water might be a sufficient approach to keep them away. It would involve trimming flowers and allowing washbasins to become dry. You can also paint the wood surfaces close to the hive as bees are enticed to untreated wood. Go along with these bee control steps to make a nest become inexistent in the area.


Forming a Bee Zone


A bee zone is an environment where bees most likely want to exist in. It should have bloom of flowers and source of water to keep the bees from returning to an uninvited area in search of food.